Main Card
Josh Thomson vs. Pablo Villaseca
Round 1: Pablo looking overmatched quickly here. Big body kick by Thomson, and a foot sweep takedown. Josh posturing up from the guard and landing some big rights. Pablo trying to roll into a kneebar, but loses it and Josh rolls into a triangle attempt. Thomson switches into an omoplata and uses it to scramble up. Some nice body kicks and both men clinch into the fence. Pablo takes Josh's back but can't complete the takedown. Josh circles, but takes a knee to the groin from Pablo. Josh recovers and secures a late takedown to end the round. 10-9 Thomson.
Round 2: Pablo throwing strong off the bat. Thomson tries to work the Thai clinch, but gets pushed into the fence. Josh circles out into a front headlock and now he has half guard. Josh works some short elbows and is working for an arm triangle. Pablo is blocking Josh from stepping over to complete the choke, and Josh gives it up. He postures and is flurrying punches now from the top. The ref steps in to stop it and the fight is done. Thomson by TKO.
Georgi Karakhanyan vs. Daniel Weichel
Round 1: Georgi coming up looking real calm, but definitely throwing with some intent here. Weichel is getting some good shots of his own. Maybe too good though, because we have another dick kick. The crowd is definitely more liquored up at this point. Nice straight right from Weichel lands. Georgi shoots a takedown but is stuffed. Weichel using his reach advantage here, slips a nice right under Georgi's guard. No power shots, but Weichel scored a lot more. 10-9 Weichel.
Round 2: Picking up right where we left off. Georgi misses a flying knee. Georgi lunges in with hook combo and finally connects some, but Weichel returns fire and backs up Georgi. Georgi starting to activate Diaz taunt mode, and both are exchanging in the pocket. Both guys getting some pot shots in, but no big power yet. Weichel starting to put a bit more behind his punches now. He throws a nice front kick to the mouth of Georgi. Another round for more accurate striking. 10-9 Weichel.
Round 3: Both guys coming out with a bit more urgency now. Big spinning kick to the head just misses by Georgi. Weichel continues to control the distance with his jabs and push kicks. Georgi starting to look a little frustrated. Georgi just can't find the range on his punches. He finally lands a hook and an uppercut, but it doesn't seem to have phased Weichel much. The Stockton Slap has now made it's first appearance. Frustration is reaching its apex. We're even throwing BS spinning kicks now. Very technical display from Weichel. This should be a clear decision. 10-9 Weichel.
Daniel Weichel by unanimous decision.