Main Card
Josh Thomson vs. Pablo Villaseca
Round 1: Pablo looking overmatched quickly here. Big body kick by Thomson, and a foot sweep takedown. Josh posturing up from the guard and landing some big rights. Pablo trying to roll into a kneebar, but loses it and Josh rolls into a triangle attempt. Thomson switches into an omoplata and uses it to scramble up. Some nice body kicks and both men clinch into the fence. Pablo takes Josh's back but can't complete the takedown. Josh circles, but takes a knee to the groin from Pablo. Josh recovers and secures a late takedown to end the round. 10-9 Thomson.
Round 2: Pablo throwing strong off the bat. Thomson tries to work the Thai clinch, but gets pushed into the fence. Josh circles out into a front headlock and now he has half guard. Josh works some short elbows and is working for an arm triangle. Pablo is blocking Josh from stepping over to complete the choke, and Josh gives it up. He postures and is flurrying punches now from the top. The ref steps in to stop it and the fight is done. Thomson by TKO.
Georgi Karakhanyan vs. Daniel Weichel
Round 1: Georgi coming up looking real calm, but definitely throwing with some intent here. Weichel is getting some good shots of his own. Maybe too good though, because we have another dick kick. The crowd is definitely more liquored up at this point. Nice straight right from Weichel lands. Georgi shoots a takedown but is stuffed. Weichel using his reach advantage here, slips a nice right under Georgi's guard. No power shots, but Weichel scored a lot more. 10-9 Weichel.
Round 2: Picking up right where we left off. Georgi misses a flying knee. Georgi lunges in with hook combo and finally connects some, but Weichel returns fire and backs up Georgi. Georgi starting to activate Diaz taunt mode, and both are exchanging in the pocket. Both guys getting some pot shots in, but no big power yet. Weichel starting to put a bit more behind his punches now. He throws a nice front kick to the mouth of Georgi. Another round for more accurate striking. 10-9 Weichel.
Round 3: Both guys coming out with a bit more urgency now. Big spinning kick to the head just misses by Georgi. Weichel continues to control the distance with his jabs and push kicks. Georgi starting to look a little frustrated. Georgi just can't find the range on his punches. He finally lands a hook and an uppercut, but it doesn't seem to have phased Weichel much. The Stockton Slap has now made it's first appearance. Frustration is reaching its apex. We're even throwing BS spinning kicks now. Very technical display from Weichel. This should be a clear decision. 10-9 Weichel.
Daniel Weichel by unanimous decision.
Derek Anderson vs. Patricky Freire
Round 1: Anderson coming out aggressive. He is significantly bigger than Pitbull. Anderson just misses a big head kick. Pitbull firing back with big hooks though. Great boxing combos from Anderson. Good straight by Derek lands. Pitbull can't quite find the range on his hooks. Takedown attempt by Pitbull turns into a guillotine attempt by Anderson which turns into Pitbull taking his back. Anderson manages to scramble out and we're back to the feet. Anderson with a big takedown of his own but Pitbull scrambles into top control. Pitbull's back attempt turns into a sweep by Anderson and we're back on the feet once again. Real tough round to score but I think Derek had better overall standup while they both had their moments on the ground. 10-9 Anderson.
Round 2: Pitbull finally finds a home for a couple of those hooks to start the round. Anderson continues to work at range with his jabs and right straight. Flying knee by Pitbull barely misses but follow up hooks rock Anderson. Derek shoots a takedown but Pitbull circles out. Good body kick by Derek at the break. Blood starting to trickle out of Anderson's nose. Big double leg by Pitbull into side control. He takes Anderson's back and sinks in the body triangle. All hand fighting to the last couple minutes as Anderson defends the choke. 10-9 Pitbull.
Round 3: Big body kicks from Anderson from the outset. Anderson using his straights to back up Pitbull. Pitbull ducks under a right straight and gets another double. He can't quite secure the takedown and it's back to the feet. Anderson really working the jab this round. Pitbull shoots and pushes Derek into the fence. Derek gets an underhook and breaks. Derek is now firing great combos with Pitbull backed up on the fence. Both men starting to trade a bit more in the pocket. Anderson ducks and pushes Pitbull into the fence. Pitbull rolls and tries to get top control. Another scramble and we're back to Anderson pressing Pitbull into the fence. Fight ends in another scramble with Pitbull shooting on Anderson. Really tough round to call. I'm leaning toward Anderson for better striking here for a 29-28, but I'm expecting a split decision. 10-9 Anderson.
29-28 Anderson, 29-28 Pitbull, 29-28 Anderson. Derek Anderson by split decision.
Adam Piccolotti vs. Mario Soto
Round 1: Both fighters feeling each other out. Piccolotti shoots a FAST takedown and quickly takes the back of Soto. Quick scramble into mount and immediately switches into a fast arm-triangle. It's tight, but he loses position and lets it go. Soto is now threatening a heel hook, but Adam scrambles and takes Soto's back once again. Big knee by Adam at the break. Both fighters landing in the stand up. Neither guy is landing more than a single shot at a time. Early grappling gives Adam the round. 10-9 Piccolotti
Round 2: Another quick takedown into half guard. Adam postures up and climbs into mount. Little peppering shots from the top and Soto gives up his back. Adam attempts the rnc but he doesn't have it under the chin. Soto is scrambling into a knee bar attempt, but loses it. Full mount once again. Soto gives up his back. BIG elbows are cutting Soto up. Soto gives up the rnc and taps. A good nickname does not alone make a good fighter. Piccolotti by rear naked choke.
Brian Rogers vs. Virgil Zwicker
Round 1: Rogers takes center of the cage. Rogers actually pacing himself here with leg kicks. Quick exchange, both fighters get a couple good shots in. Zwicker getting the better of another quick exchange. Haymakers swinging wild from both fighters, but neither finding a home. Big leg kick from Virgil. THUNDERING body kick from Rogers. He follows it up with an explosive takedown into side control. Zwicker scrambles to his feet and gets a couple elbows in the clinch to end the round. Close, but the kick was the best shot landed and followed up by the takedown. 10-9 Rogers.
Round 2: Unintentional groin kick to start the round. And ANOTHER thunderous kick to the groin and Zwicker goes down. Fight resumes and Zwicker lands a nice straight right. A couple nice leg kicks and Rogers throws, but misses a flying knee. Missed spinning kick by Zwicker now. Rogers power doubles Zwicker to the ground and takes the back. Quick transition into full mount and now he is throwing leather. 30 seconds left and Rogers is transitioning into an arm-triangle. Rogers shifts into side control from mont and that's that. Rogers by arm triangle submission. Point After: Brian Rogers is wearing a victory cape.
Preliminary Card
Thomas Diagne vs. Erick Sanchez
Alvin Cacdac vs. Jeremiah Labiano
Bronson Mohika vs. Jose Perez
Adin Duenas vs. Anthony Taylor
Anthony Do vs. Dustin Moore
Gabriel Carrasco vs. Khomkrit Niimi
Round 1: This Thai guy is WACKY. Ok, maybe he's a really terrible Genki Sudo jr. Niimi falls or trips into guard. I'm not entirely sure. Carrasco posturing with some furious rights but nothing clean landing. Cut starting to gush over Niimi's forehead. Carrasco dropping nice elbows now. Niimi is not defending at all and the fight is over. The crowd is loving it. Carrasco by TKO.
Brandon Hester vs. Idris Wasi
Round 1: Fighters feeling each out in the middle of the cage. Wasi throws a lazy kick and Hester pounces with a takedown. Hester is trying to posture up from the full guard, but Wasi is defending decently by tying Hester's arms up. Hester passes to side control after a big right. Wasi gets back to half guard, but Hester is landing decent elbows. 10-9 Hester.
Round 2: Fighters trade shots in the middle. Hester gets another takedown. Wasi seems content to try and hold Hester and hope for a standup. Ref stands up the fighters to let Wasi put his mouth guard back in. Aaand for some reason the fighters are going to resume standing. Hester corrects this ref failure by taking Wasi back down immediately. Hester postures up in the final seconds and lands some big rights. Wasi is saved by the bell. 10-9 Hester.
Round 3: Nice counter right from Wasi early. And back to the ground we go with Hester on top. Hester continues to grind away. Wasi really has no answer for Hester's top control. Hester stands in the last few seconds and throws a spinning kick. Bell sounds and Wasi is looking a lil salty about that performance. 10-9 Hester.
(30-25, 30-24?!?!?, 30-27) Hester by unanimous decision
JT Donaldson vs. AJ McKee
Round 1: Big punch off the bat by AJ and JT goes down. JT gets back up and pushes for a takedown but AJ reverses and takes JT down into half guard. JT reverses position but AJ is threatening a guillotine choke. Cut over the nose/under AJ's eye, not sure where from. JT drops to survive the submission attempt. AJ gives up the choke and both fighters are now standing. Good elbow from AJ in the clinch and there's a small cut over JT's right eye. Thai clinch by AJ and he lands a BIG knee. JT goes down, he's not defending himself, fight over. AJ McKee by TKO.
Nick Barnes vs. James Terry
Round 1: Barnes takes center early. Fighters feeling each other out early. Flurries being exchanged by both men. Good left by Barnes marking up the right eye of Terry. Girl in crowd calls for kick, big kick to the body by Terry. Big body punch by Terry, but Barnes gets a takedown. Barnes a little high on the back but reestablishes control. Barnes gets a Gary Goodridge crucifix, one arm is trapped, can't find any room for elbows, but Barnes manages to get RNC out of it. Terry taps!
Barnes by RNC in the 1st.
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